Getting Started

The Untold Engine is an easy to use, open source, 3D game engine for iOS/macOS game development. It is written in C++ and makes use of the Metal Graphics API.

The Untold Engine has the following features:

  • The game engine is capable of rendering 3D models with textures/normal maps, Shadows, 3D model animations, Skyboxes.

  • Is capable of detecting collision between any convex models.

  • It emulates physical forces such as gravity, drag, torque.

  • It makes use of quaternions and dual quaternions for all rotations and translations.

  • It supports fonts, sprites, particle systems and various camera types.

  • It provides AI Steeting behaviors and a navigation system using the A* algorithm

  • It supports several camera types such as First Person, Third Person, Follow and basic.

The Untold Engine is in constant development. To view the latest features, checkout the Release Notes


To run the engine, you need the following tools:

Download the Engine

To start using the Untold Engine, download the engine from our Github page

Running the Untold Engine

Before you run the engine, make sure to select Mac as your target device.

Once this is done, click on Run. The engine should render characters on the screen. Note, what is rendered may be different than the image below. The reason being that I'm constantly improving the engine and creating game demos for the engine that highlights the latest changes.


Before you start developing your game with the Untold Engine, I recommed to review the articles in this document. It will teach you how to render a character, move them, enable collision, animation, etc.

Ready to develop a game?

Once you have gone through the tutorial, you may want to set up your own game project. Here are the steps to integrate the Untold Engine with your new Xcode project.

Last updated